Why you should use BotSailor, a free Telegram bot builder

BotSailor is a Telegram bot-building platform. It is a visual drag and drops flow builder-based Telegram bot-building platform. On the Flow Builder of BotSailor, you can quickly build a bot by dragging and dropping. To build a Telegram bot on BotSailor, you just have to drag an element from the doc menu and drop it on the editor. Then you have to provide data to the elements and connect the elements with each other. And that’s all. Your telegram bot is ready to work.

In this article, I will talk about why you should use Botsailor to build a Telegram bot for your business.

User friendly

BotSailor is user-friendly and easy to handle. On the Flow Builder of BotSailor, you can easily build a Telegram bot. First, with the help of BotSailor, you have to create a bot token. Then, you have to connect the bot with Botsailor by providing the bot token to the BotSailor. After connecting the bot with BotSailor, you have to develop the bot on the Flow Builder by dragging and dropping.

Reply with multimedia messages

The Telegram bot built with BotSailor can reply to customers’ queries with multimedia messages – Text, image, audio, GIF, video, and file. Like other Chatbots, of course, it is 24/7 available.

The Telegram bot also supports other rich UI elements like quick replies, buttons, and cards. Besides these features, the Telegram bot has Commands and Inline Queries.

Sequence messages

The Telegram bot built on BotSailor can send sequence messages to subscribers. Sequence messages could be sent at scheduled times. Different sequence messages could be sent based on the user responses. That is, it can deliver alternative sequence messages to different users based on the users’ reactions. There are two types of sequence messages – hourly and daily. You can set up a sequence messages campaign that could be sent every minute/hour or every day.

Broadcasting messages

The Telegram bot built with BotSailor can send promotional broadcasting messages to the subscribers of the channel without time-wise limitations since the 24-hour rule doesn’t apply to Telegram Channel. The bot can send promotional broadcasting messages instantly or at scheduled times. Telegram Channel can have countless subscribers, and the Telegram bot can send broadcasting messages to all of the subscribers of your Telegram Channel. Since Telegram is an instant messaging app, the opening rate of the promotional broadcasting messages is far higher than the email.

Short link and widget

The Telegram bot built on BotSailor also provides Short links and widgets. And the short link and widget could be shared on websites and social media and by email. Just as a user click on the widget or short link, the user will be redirected to your WhatsApp channel and will receive a message from the Telegram bot. As a result, the user will become a subscriber to your Telegram Channel. In this way, using the short link or widget, you can earn subscribers for your channel. In one word, a short link or widget is a great tool to earn subscribers for your channel.

Collect leads

The Telegram bot built on Botsailor can collect leads from the subscribers with user input flow and custom fields. Using user input flow and custom fields, the Telegram bot collects leads from the subscribers in a conversational way. The leads it collects are real-time and authentic because the subscribers provide the lead typing them down with their own hands. Since the Telegram bot collects leads in a conversational way, the subscribers don’t get bored while providing their data to the bot. And the data from the subscribers are saved in the system variable and custom variable. Therefore, the BotSailor can use the lead to do email marketing and SMS marketing.

Intelligent Telegram bot

With the BotSailor, you can develop a condition-based intelligent smart bot. Based on the users’ data, it can take decisions. The intelligent bot doesn’t disturb people by sending messages randomly. Instead, it sends the right message to the right people.

Starting a software service business

You can also sell the service of the BotSailor to your end-users and take payments from them. That is, you can start a software service business with Botsailor. In this case, you have to buy the Botsailor White Label Reseller package. And if you are interested in BotSailor White Label Reseller package, you just need to purchase a domain name and nothing else.


Developing a Telegram bot on the Flow Builder of BotSailor is super easy and straightforward. The Telegram bot can work as a customer care service for your business by replying to queries from customers 247/7. And when a customer gets instant replies to their queries, they become happy. And a happy customer is more inclined to buy products from your business. 

Besides, it can also do the marketing for your business by telling the people about your business, the quality of your products, and announcing different events, especially starting and ending of the Sales you run. Of course, you can use the leads collected by the Telegram bot to do different types of marketing. 

In one word, you can flourish your business by using Botsailo, a free Telegram bot-building platform. 


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